every word is a poem. speak carefully.
    every word is a poem. speak carefully.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
1000 lines of blank verse! Lines 248 - 279

There is a glaze of something on my pond
a haze a stain of thickness like a film
I don’t know if it killed the baby geese
but I have not seen them in quite a while

It started at the end down by the road
where people dump things into the culvert
along the state highway on which we live.
There’s always something floating on our pond.

And now it’s moved down by the house to drain
into the field where overflowage goes
to kill what’s there and maybe start a fire
and poison rabbits as they chew the grass.

I think I’ll get a big ‘no dumping’ sign
and put it by the culvert by the road
and seven big rottweilers who will guard
the pond from garbage dumpers. And from trolls.

Animals in Places they Ought Not be

I heard about a bunny once who jumped
up on a chair, then to a table top
then to a ledge, and finally up onto
the kitchen counter, where he stayed and ate
a loaf of bread, an apple and a pear,
turned on one burner on the kitchen stove
burned half his whiskers off, and went to sleep.

Once my dog Emmett climbed, when left alone,
onto the table in the dining room
where he got stuck, and I came home to find
him standing on the table quite forlorn
head down, ears low, he knew that he’d been bad
but, scared to jump, he couldn’t hide the fact
that he’d been climbing. So I scooped him down
tried to be stern, but couldn’t help but laugh.
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